National Centre for Infectious Diseases, Level 1
16 Jalan Tan Tock Seng
Singapore 308442
Operating Hours
Mondays to Fridays: 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Saturdays: 8:30am to 11:30am
Sundays and Public Holidays: Closed
Phone Number
6357 7000
6357 7910
Clinic J, located at Level 1 of the National Centre for Infectious Diseases, is purpose-built and designed to provide specialist outpatient consultation to patients with proven or suspected infections, and to respond to potential infectious disease threats.
Conditions treated at Clinic J may be bacterial, viral, fungal or parasitic in origin, and may be acquired locally from the community, during travel, through occupational exposure or from contact within healthcare settings.
Clinic J serves as a one-stop solution for patients with chronic infectious conditions, providing multi-disciplinary specialist care, counselling, pharmacy, radiology and X-ray services. Some of the features within Clinic J include:
- A pre-screening consult area
- A special precaution area which caters to high-risk patients
- Three specialist outpatient clusters, each with 7 consult rooms
- Two X-ray units
- An outpatient pharmacy
Day Treatment Centre
The Day Treatment Centre at NCID is an extension of Clinic J and offers the following services:
- Phlebotomy (blood taking)
- Lumbar puncture
- Sputum induction
- Pentamidine puff
- PAP smear
- Eye consultation services to manage and treat eye complications which occur as a result of patients’ infectious conditions. There are also treatment rooms for visual acuity tests, eye injections and eye photography