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NCID > Facilities & Services > Wards/ Room Types > High Level Isolation Unit

High Level Isolation Unit

High Level Isolation Unit

The High-Level Isolation Unit (HLIU) is sited within NCID to safely contain and manage high consequence pathogens (HCP) and novel pathogens.

The HLIU is a state-of-the-art facility to provide the best care possible for patients with infections that are highly virulent and can be spread from person to person, such as Ebola.  For maximum containment, the unit will have on-site capability for laboratory testing and waste management. The HLIU will also have facilities and staff capable of providing intensive care to HCP patients who are critically ill or who may require surgery.  The facility has been thoughtfully designed with a view to patient, staff and equipment flows, decontamination needs, and providing a supportive environment for patients & their families.

Staff will receive ongoing training so that they can work safely caring for patients in the HLIU.  Enhanced personal protective equipment (PPE) will be provided, including special respirators.  HLIU staff will work in supportive multi-disciplinary teams. 

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