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Infectious Disease Research Laboratory

Infectious Disease Research Laboratory

The Infectious Disease Research Laboratory (IDRL) provides intellectual and infrastructural support with state of the art facilities for clinician researchers and scientists to conduct their infectious disease laboratory-based research.

Research and Activities

IDRL integrates research activities in the area of infectious diseases with interactions and collaborations and provides avenues for multi-disciplinary activities.

Studies initiated in this laboratory include research on Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Human Immunodefienciency Virus (HIV), Dengue Viruses, Influenza Viruses and various bacterial pathogens.

This facility will encourage the translation and application of research findings, as well as raise public awareness of infectious disease research.

Major equipment in the lab include the following:

  • Applied Biosystems 3100-Avant Genetic Analyser: performs DNA sequencing, genescaning, and single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis
  • Roche LightCycler Real-Time PCR Instrument: provides real-time PCR analysis in pathogen detection, gene expression analysis, etc
  • MagNA Pure Compact: automated benchtop system for nucleic acid purification with low to medium sample throughout.
  • Imaging Systems & Software
  • Cell culture incubators
  • Freezers and deep freezer

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